#1 Collar Button
003356 Ceremonial Binder Cream
006629 Ceremonial Binder Royal Purple/with GOLD FOIL
006630 Ceremonial Binder Deep Violet/with SILVER FOIL
0814633277 Ritual para el Bautismo de lo ninos
106N Indigo Parament Set
110 Liturgical Surplice
113 Square Neck Surplice
115 Round Neck Surplice
126 Collection Box
145 Cassock Rabat
146 Vest Collar Set
14X01 Offering Box
152000 Our Lady of Lourdes W/Bernadette Statue
152006 Our Lady of Lourdes with Bernadette Statue
153000 Our Lady of Lourdes Statue
153007 Our Lady of Lourdes Statue
154000 Our Lady of Lourdes Statue
155000 Madonna Lourdes with crown
156/19 Pastoral Care of the Sick (Pocket Edition)
156000 Our Lady of Lourdes Statue
159000 Madonna Raffaelo
15BEN Carved St. Benedict Plaque
15CEL Hand Carved Celtic Cross
160 Shirtfront - Neckband Collar Style
160000 Our Lady of Grace Statue
160006 Our Lady of Grace Statue
161 Church Purple Shirtfront - Neckband Collar Style
161000 Madonna Pema Statue
162000 Wall Madonna Pema Statue
162006 Wall Madonna Pema Statue
163000 Our Lady of Love Statue
164000 Madonna of Peace Statue
164006 Madonna of Peace Statue
165/00 The Book of the Gospels
165000 Madonna of Hope Statue
165006 Madonna of Hope Statue
167000 Our Lady of Heart Statue
171000 Assumption by Murillo Statue
175000 Blessed Mother with Children of the World Statue