k-683 Missal Stand
k-684 Missal Stand
k-686 Monstrance
k-687 Monstrance
k-701 Censer and Boat
k-704 Holy Water Sprink-ler
k-705 Monstrance
k-710 Monstrance w/ case
k-712 Sick- Call Set
k-713 Sick- Call Set
k-714 Sick- Call Set
k-715 Baptismal Set
k-716 Reliquary
k-717 Chalice and Ciborium
k-719 Chalice and Ciborium
k-721 Chalice and Ciborium
k-750 Candlestick-
k-751 Altar Cross
k-753 Floor Sanctuary Lamp
k-754 Altar Vase
k-756 Floor Candelabra
k-757 Processional Cross
k-758 Processional Candlestick-
k-759 Pedestal
k-777 Stations of the Cross
k-779 Stations of the Cross
k-781 Stations of the Cross
k-782 Stations of the Cross
k-801 Censer and Boat
k-81 Hospital Pyx
k-82 Pyx
k-820 Altar Crucifix
k-824 Bowl and Cover
k-83 Pyx
k-84 Pyx
k-840 Altar Cross
k-841 Altar Candlestick-
k-850 Altar Cross
k-851 Altar Candlestick-
k-86 Pyx